Bariatric-surgery-for-weight-loss Dr venu gopal pareek

Bariatric Surgery Vs Intensive Medical Management In Obese Diabetics—Which Is Superior?

best bariatric surgeon indiaThe medical intervention consists of a multidisciplinary diabetes- and weight-management program incorporating diabetes medication adjustment to help with weight loss, a structured modified dietary intervention vs BARIATRIC SURGERY . Most of the studies study are showing metabolic and cardiovascular benefits of Bariatric surgery, even compared with an intensive multidisciplinary, multimodality medical diabetes and weight intervention. Majority of studies show the most of patients in bariatric surgery group achieved HbA1c less than 6.5% and FPG less than 126 mg/dL, whereas none of the medical intervention group achieved those goals (P = .005) at 3 years.


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Disclaimer: Reading the information on this Bariatric Surgeon India website is not a substitute for any medical or bariatric surgery hospital consultation with a Bariatric or Laparoscopic Surgical specialist. The information should not be relied upon as a medical consultation. This information is not designed to replace a physician’s independent judgment about the appropriateness or risks of a procedure for a given patient. We will do our best to provide you with information that will help you make your own health care decisions. Regards Dr Venu Gopal Pareek, Best Bariatric Surgeon in Hyderabad